Saturday, December 31, 2011


In the years I have lived in the region of Waterloo I've been amazed about the quality of architecture that is being created out of old structures as well as new innovative buildings..

Check out examples of some of my favorite buildings in this area:

The Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo

The Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo.

Waterloo Region Museum at Night

The Waterloo Region Museum in Kitchener

The Waterloo Clay and Glass Gallery
Seagram Lofts in Waterloo

Waterloo Regional Children's Museum in Kitchener

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Inspiring places to relax and contemplate...(image above from Cococozy)

Vitreluxe 01
Vitrelux modern vases- image from grass roots modern)

Post-it "watches" for forgetful people like myself..

Abstract pottery that reveals a message "trust" when a light is shone upon it.
(image from Mocoloco)

Biome SamuelWilkinson
"Slow-tech" biodome that links to your ipad-- which controls the mini eco system within the dome. The ipad controls it's light,water, and other nutrients. (image from Josh Spear)

Aesop, a store in New York designed by Tacklebox, that uses wool felt lined walls.